
Showing posts from August, 2023

Penny Pigeon, Sweetie Dove

 Penny Pigeon, Sweetie Dove This Little Birdie Gotta Blog by Jacquelyn J. Meyers Once upon a time (like, two weeks ago), a friend of mine (named Julie S.) texted me to tell me that her dog had attacked a pigeon in her yard, and she had been trying to nurse it back to health, but was going out of town, and asked if I might take the bird in while she was gone. I have a couple of older chickens, and I have a few younger chickens, and so am aware of some of the threat that wild birds can pose to domestic birds, and have had my share of grief from that (mites in particular).  But I thought on this, and my heart said yes to it, despite the possible threats (and plenty else to do, since I’d already been nursing my own injured, very painful heel, making it quite challenging to simply even walk most of the time). Julie brought the bird over the next day before she left for her trip.  Expectedly, she didn’t have a cage for it, so she brought it in a sturdy box.  She had two cute little plastic